Faculty Writing Scholars | 2024-2025

The Office of Faculty Professional Development (OFPD) now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 cohort of the Faculty Writing Scholars Program. Scholars will spend the academic year focusing on developing their writing practice, engaging with other faculty writers, and making progress on their most important writing goals.  

Over the course of the program, Scholars engage in:

  • one-on-one coaching with a certified writing coach to support your writing goals and develop highly productive writing practices and strategies;
  • structured virtual writing retreats for moving projects forward;
  • and two writing workshops with cohort colleagues focused on effective writing practices. 

With focused support, Scholars strengthen their ability to set achievable and productive writing goals, define their most effective writing process, and cultivate a supportive writing community, all while completing professionally meaningful writing.

Program Details
Faculty Writing Scholars participate in programming that runs from August 2023-May 2024. Writing Scholars receive individualized support in developing and running their research agenda and publication pipeline; identifying writing practices, schedules, and strategies that best meet their individual writing needs and styles; and assistance in moving through common writing challenges such as writer’s block, burnout, impostor syndrome, and overwhelm. Writing Scholars work on all varieties of writing including (but not limited to) journal articles, book proposals and manuscripts, conference papers, grant proposals, and other academic writing projects.

Scholars commit to:

  • Participating in the fellowship year kick-off and goal-setting workshop Tuesday, September 5, 11-12 (in-person) or Wednesday, September 6, 9-10am (TBD)
  • Leveraging three individual writing coaching sessions during the academic year to forward writing goals (virtual, scheduled individually)
  • Attending at least one 3-hour writing retreat each semester (virtual)
  • Attending one writing workshop for Scholars hosted by OFPD per semester 
  • Celebrating accomplishments in a year-end event with the Scholars in May 2023 (in-person).

2023-2024 Writing Scholars

  • Melissa Aberle-Grasse - Senior Lecturer, GTPE Language Institute
  • Stacey Doremus - Assistant Director, Leadership Education and Development 
  • Katy Graham - Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Joe Lachance - Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
  • Leah Misemer - Assistant Director, Vertically Integrated Projects
  • Bob Myers - Senior Lecturer, Scheller College of Business
  • Sofia Perez-Guzman - Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Amanda Weiss - Associate Professor, Modern Langauges

2022-2023 Writing Scholars

  • Keung Yoon (Becky) Bae, Assistant Professor, School of Modern Languages, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts 
  • Spencer Bryngelson, Assistant Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering, College of Computing
  • Antonio Cardentey, Lecturer, School of Modern Languages, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
  • Lauren Garten, Assistant Professor, School of Material Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Britta Kallin, Associate Professor, School of Modern Languages, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
  • Nadiya Kostyuk, Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
  • Lu Liu, Assistant Professor, School of Modern Languages, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts 
  • Kyoko Masuda, Associate Professor, School of Modern Languages, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
  • Akanksha Menon, Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Maysam Nezafati, Lecturer, School of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Vernelle Noel, Assistant Professor, Schools of Architecture and Interactive Computing, College of Design and College of Computing
  • Cristina Riso, Assistant Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering
  • Norman "Storm" Robinson, Associate Director, CEISMIC
  • Hongchen Wu, Assistant Professor, School of Modern Languages, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
A photo of hands writing on a notepad

Call for Applications - Open

The 2024-2025 Faculty Writing Scholars cohort is open to permanent, full-time faculty of all ranks and types (academic and research). 

Application Process and Timeline
The program application form will ask you to provide the following:

  • Statement (no more than 200 words) describing why the Writing Scholars Program appeals to you and the writing development activities you have already participate in (writing accountability groups, writing seminars in their School or College) 
  • Concise abstract(s) of the main writing project or projects you intend to focus on during the year if accepted 
  • Brief statement (no more than 100 words) of how you could contribute to a supportive, diverse, interdisciplinary cohort of faculty writers

The reviewing committee values reflection in responses and in diversity of identity, disciplines, and ranks.

Application Form: Open
Application Deadline: Tuesday, August 8, 2024
Notifications: Mid-August 2024

Questions? Contact Rebecca Pope-Ruark
Director, Office of Faculty Professional Development 

Image of a person writing in a notepad while looking at a computer.