Faculty Hiring Resources
Hiring Resources
- Guidance on Academic and Research Faculty Appointments (.pdf) - 03/01/2025
- Guidance on the Search Process for Academic Faculty (.pdf) -11/21/2024
- Training for Faculty Searches - Required training module for search committee members and chairs
- Frequently Asked Questions (.pdf) - 01/31/2022
- Faculty Job Code Crosswalk (.xlsx) - 8/12/2024
- Offer Letter Templates
GT-TRACS Package Requirements
- GT-TRACS Package Requirements for Academic Faculty (.pdf) - 09/01/2024
- GT-TRACS Package Requirements for Research Faculty (.pdf) - 09/01/2024
Faculty Hiring Guidelines
- Guidelines for Academic Faculty Hiring
- Guidelines for Research Faculty Hiring
- Guidelines for Part-Time and Limited-Term Faculty
- Guidelines for Rehired Retirees - RBW Faculty
- Official Transcripts
Recruitment and Search Resources
- Recruitment Toolbox and Job Posting Template
- Start-up Proposal (.xls)
- Memo on Internal Administrative and Named Position Searches (.pdf) - 03/16/2017
Appointment Resources
- Part-time Faculty Agreement Template (.docx)
- Dual Appointment Agreements
- Affiliate Appointments with National Labs (.pdf)
- USG Standard Hours Conversion Chart (.pdf)
Relocation Resources:
- Policy on Relocation Assistance
- Guidelines for Faculty Relocation (.pdf)
- Relocation Repayment Agreement form (.pdf)
- Refer to the Faculty Relocation Payment Process Flowchart (.pdf) for details.
OneUSG Connect HCM Resources
- Careers - Faculty Job Opening Checklist (.pdf) - 11/03/2023
- OneUSG Connect Training Videos - Faculty Recruitment and Hiring
- Additional OneUSG Connect Training and Resources
- OneUSG Connect Required Attachments by Transaction (.pdf)
- Need assistance? Service & Support
Workshops and Other Resources
- Faculty Hiring Workshop slide deck (.pdf) - 01/31/23
- Faculty Supplemental Pay Transactions Workshop slide deck (.pdf) - 02/23/21

Steps for Hiring Regular, Full-Time Faculty
Below is a sample process with links for hiring regular, full-time faculty. This process will differ slightly for part-time positions and others but the below outline can be used as a helpful starting point. HR can provide additional support for position-specific processes.
- Determine Appropriate Faculty Category
- Request or Update Position Number
- Appoint a Search Committee
- Develop and Post Advertisement in Careers
- Applicant Screening and Interviews
- Request to Negotiate (Senior Academic Hires)
- Verbal Negotiations
- Draft Offer Letter Offer; ASI Salary Exception Request (if current employee receiving an increase > 9.9% over previous FY end salary)
- Create and Route GT-TRACS Package: See GT-TRACS Package Requirements
- Extend offer after final package Approval
- Change package status to “Accepted”, Upload Signed Offer Letter, and link gtID number to package GT-TRACS
- Careers Hiring (Job Offer) Transaction
- Request Banner Instructor Access (if teaching)
- Supplemental Pay for Relocation (if applicable)
This is an example of the hiring process and can differ based on many factors, for example part-time hires or the rehiring of a retiree. Your departmental Human Resources representative will be able to assist you in following the appropriate process for your specific hire.