A Resource Hub for Faculty Affairs
Throughout this section, you’ll find tools to assist deans, chairs, and faculty affairs administrators who support faculty progression within the schools and colleges at Georgia Tech. These resources include everything from a list of approved faculty titles for participation in faculty governance to offer letter templates.
If you have any questions, you can always reach out to the Office of Faculty Affairs staff at 404.894.4883 or email facultyaffairs@gatech.edu.
Before You Mandate Training
Mandatory employee training should be limited to that which complies with Board of Regents (BOR), state, and federal policies, regulations, and laws. To request an HR representative review training content for individuals or groups within your department/unit/school, please complete the mandatory training form.
Quick Links
Hiring Resources
- Faculty Hiring Resources
- Guidelines for Hiring Academic Faculty
- Guidelines for Hiring Research Faculty
- Dual Appointment Agreements
- Offer Letter Templates (GT Login)
Current Faculty Support Resources

Forms for Deans, Chairs, and Faculty Affairs Administrators (GT Login)
There are a number of internal forms needed for faculty hiring, promotion, and more. We've created a helpful hub containing all these resources. Please use your GT login to visit this page.

Faculty Hiring Resources
If you or your department are looking to hire, you will need a number of resources to assist with the process.
We've collected theses resources for you in one location -- our Faculty Hiring Resources page. From guides for the hiring process to relocation assistance information, explore everything you need to ease the hiring process.

Time Away
Georgia Tech offers various programs for those who require time away from campus or modified duties. Our time away policies seek to best accommodate the needs of our faculty.

Dual Appointment
Completion of a Dual Appointment Agreement is required prior to an employee beginning work at two or more University System of Georgia (USG) institutions. The employee is responsible for beginning the process, acquiring preliminary permission from his/her supervisor at his/her home institution, and submitting the form to the requesting institution's Dual Appointment Coordinator.