Promotion and Tenure Resources
The Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty offers a number of resources to support faculty of all paths (academic, research, tenure track, and non-tenure track) as they prepare for promotion and/or tenure reviews.
Please explore the resources, below, and reach out to our office if you have questions about the promotion and tenure process at Georgia Tech.
Resources for All Faculty
- CV Templates
- CIOS Scores Table (.xlsx)
- CIOS Normative Data from 2001-Present
- COVID-19 Impact -- All candidates are required to submit a COVID Impact Statement. That statement can be up to 2 pages long or can be as short as one sentence stating that the candidate experienced no impacts. COVID Impact Statements are to be uploaded to the additional documents section in PROMOTE, where they are not released to external reviewers.
- Memo from Provost Bras (.pdf) - 04/17/2020
- Memo from Provost McLaughlin (.pdf) - 12/07/2020
- Covid-19 Impact FAQs (.pdf) - updated 07/13/2021
- Guidance for Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Evaluators: Impact of Covid-19 (.pdf)
- Templates for External Review Instructions (.pdf) - 04/2024
- Student Success Activities Guidance Document, November 2022 (.pdf) - - This document offers guidance on effectively showcasing engagement in student success activities for various evaluative processes, including annual reviews, promotion and tenure applications, and post-tenure reviews.
Tenure-Track Academic Faculty
- Guidance on the Promotion and Tenure Process (.pdf) - updated 04/25/2022
- Understanding Post-Tenure Review - Presentation - slide deck (.pdf) - 11/06/2023
- Guidance on the Tenure on Appointment Process (.pdf) - updated 08/22/2022
- Promotion/Tenure Coversheet (.pdf)
- Post-Tenure Review Coversheet for Successful Reviews (.pdf) - 1/17/2025
- Post-Tenure Review Coversheet for Unsuccessful Reviews (.pdf) - 1/17/2025
- Reappointment (Critical Review) Coversheet (.pdf)
- Extension of the Tenure Probationary Period Request Form (.pdf)
- Regents’ Professor Nominations and Renewals
- Waiver Statement (.pdf)
- Statement of Completeness (docx)
- External Reviewer List (.xlsx)
- Memo on the Tenure on Appointment Process (.pdf) - 08/24/2022 (.pdf)
- Message from Provost McLaughlin on the Periodic Peer Review Process (.pdf) - 10/13/2021
- 2024 Promotion & Tenure Workshop for Tenure-Track Faculty - slide deck (.pdf) - 03/25/2024
- 2023 Promotion & Tenure Processing Presentation - slide deck (.pdf)
Non-Tenure Track Academic Faculty
- Memo from the Vice Provost on Non-Tenure Track Faculty Promotion Process (.pdf) - 06/05/2018
- Template For External Review Request Letter (Academic Professionals) (.docx) - 01/05/2017
- Template for External Review Request Letter (Lecturers) (.docx)
- Teaching Portfolio Guidelines (.pdf) - 07/05/2018
- Non-Tenure Track Promotion/3rd Year Review Coversheet (.pdf) - 2018
- 2023 Workshop for NTT Faculty Promotion Processing - slide deck (.pdf) - 04/15/2023
- 2024 Promotion Workshop for Academic Professionals and Lecturers - slide deck (.pdf) - 03/26/2024
Research Faculty
- Research Faculty Promotion Guidelines and Process
- Research Faculty Promotion Package Guidance
- Research Faculty Promotion FAQs
- GTRI WebWISE Research Faculty Promotion Resources
- 2024 Research Faculty Promotion and Advancement - slides (.pdf) - 04/09/24
- 2023 Workshop for Research Faculty Promotion Processing - video recording and slide deck (.pdf) - - 04/11/2023
- Research Promotion Peer Review Committee Memos - sample templates (.docx) - 2022

Promotion and Tenure Workshops
The Office of Faculty Professional Development and the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty are offering workshops to support faculty as they prepare for promotion and/or tenure reviews.
For Tenure-Track Academic Faculty: A workshop to discuss candidate strategies for the tenure-track promotion and tenure process, including how to prepare successful packages and how to map scholarly accomplishments to promotion and tenure criteria.
For Non-Tenure Track Faculty: This workshop discuss candidate strategies for the Academic Professional and Lecturer promotion process, including how to determine when to go up, how to prepare successful packages, how to have conversations with supervisors about the process, and how to map job accomplishments to the promotion criteria.
For Research Faculty: A workshop to discuss promotion processing.