Research Faculty Promotion Package Guidance
There is a standard format and order for promotion packages. Please refer to the Research Faculty Promotion Dossier Guidance Document for specific details. This page also provides additional information and resources to help candidates in preparing their promotion packages, and therefore reflects only those items required at the Institute level.
Candidates should work with their home units to determine any specific requirements they may have in the promotion process.
Each promotion package should include:
- Cover sheet (populated via the PROMOTE system)
- One-page “Summary Page for Institute Review”
- Letter from Peer Review Committee clearly articulating the basis of the vote (See 1 below)
- Letter from unit director (See 2 below) articulating the basis of his or her recommendation (See 1 below)
- Letter from higher-level committee articulating the basis of the vote (See 2 below)
- Letter from executive at the dean or director level articulating the basis of his or her recommendation (See 1 below)
- Any additional letters for no or split (>25% discrepancy) votes (See 3 below)
- Curriculum Vitae -- recommended CV Format templates for Research Faculty available here
- Minimum of 3 external letters of evaluation (Principal Research level candidates only)
- One-paragraph biography of each external evaluator providing letters (Principal Research level candidates only)
Additional materials that may be included:
- Documentation of any special circumstances that prevent the candidate from fully explaining their work (e.g. confidentiality agreements, classified work), in either the CV, summary, or through an external letter of recommendation.
- Research Associates/Technologists/Extension Professionals: Relevant conversion of promotion criteria to specific duties, and how the candidate fulfills those criteria. For an example please see:
>> 2023 Workshop for Research Faculty Promotion Processing - video recording and slide deck (.pdf)
>> 2022 Research Promotion Peer Review Committee Memos - sample templates

Important Information About Letters
1. The inclusion of letters will vary from unit to unit. There should be at least three letters by the time the packet is reviewed by the institute committee. Any no or split votes (see footnote 3) must be accompanied by a letter of explanation.
2. Interdisciplinary Research Institutes, because they vary so widely in structure, must work with the EVPR office to determine which supervisors/directors should contribute letters.
3. If any votes are no or split (more than 25% of the committee votes differently than the rest of the group) a letter must be included explaining the various rationales.